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Fire Suppression Systems

Motor Vehicle Fire Suppression System

Vehicles can be very expensive assets, particularly those that have been restored, specially modified or a wheel chair access vehicle. An engine fire could prove catastrophic, not only damaging the vehicle beyond repair, but also potentially placing you and your passengers at risk. Maybe your vehicle is vital in keeping your business running or essential for your transportation. An engine fire could leave you stranded or have a severe adverse effect on your business. With a installed Firetrace system, we can offer a cost-effective solution!

Why Firetrace?

Firetrace has a vehicle fire suppression system ideal for protecting motor engine compartments. Designed without the use of expensive electronics, the system instead works via pressure, making it much simpler to operate. The first stage is to install the unique detection tubing throughout the engine compartment. Once installed, it will react to any sign of fire with speed and accuracy, and act to put it out before there is any risk of it spreading to other parts of the engine. This system does not require separate power backups and also has the minimum of moving parts, resulting in a highly reliable system. Using a Direct Low Pressure Powder or the optional Low Pressure Gas.

Applications can also be for classic and modern vehicles, agricultural mechinery, small and large plant, marine, rail applications and lots more.

Firetrace Top Quality Protection?

Whether your vehicle is your pride and joy or a workhorse, you want to guard it from the risk of fire. Firetrace suppression systems are a cost-effective way of achieving this. Fast detection is the key, as Firetrace detects fire quickly and extinguishes it at the point where it has started, using only small volumes of active ingredients. Cylinders are mounted under the bonnet, and work via a robust design which does not involve the complication of electronic systems. This also helps to make retrofitting simple to carry out. Manufactured to meet all the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, our systems have the backing of most top insurance firms. We have extensive experience, having worked in the fire industry for many years, and offer a full package of services including installation, design and post-sales maintenance.


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